Wisteria Vine 6-12 Inch Tall, 2 VARIETIES Purple And Blue

The lilac-blue flowers are large, showy, and held in foot-long racemes like enormous clusters of grapes. The fragrance is sweet, intense, and very addictive — be sure to plant ‘Blue Moon’ where it can share its scent with garden visitors and even indoors through open windows and doors!
Give this vine as much sunlight as possible for best flowering. It flourishes in moist, well-drained soil enriched with compost and other organics. Zones 4-9.

From $22.99

Product Details
  • USDA Hardiness Zone

    Zones 5 to 8
  • Soil type

    Well-draining soil
  • Sunlight Exposure

    Full sun
  • Expected Planting Period

    Late fall or early spring

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