2 Tacca Chantrieri Black Bat Orchid Plants

If you’re looking for something that’s hauntingly beautiful and spectacularly sinister, then you need Tacca!
Also known as the Bat Flower or Bat Plant, this exotic beauty flaunts some seriously unusual blooms that mimic a bat in flight. Large, lush, emerald leaves surround the stunning flowers for a truly remarkable display from spring until early fall.
Tacca chantrieri is typically grown as a tropical houseplant and is not cold-hardy. It thrives in tropical and subtropical climates and is suitable for Hardiness Zones 10-12


Product Details
  • USDA Hardiness Zone

    Zone 9-12
  • Soil type

    Well-drained soil
  • Sunlight Exposure

    Full sun to partial shade
  • Expected Planting Period

    Spring or early summer

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