2 Lavender Plants Live Lavandula Flowers

Perennial in zone 4-10, this cultivar offers fragrant blue-purple flower spikes in summer on evergreen foliage with an upright habit of 12-18″ tall and a 24-36″ spread
This plant flourishes in full sun with minimal water, attracting bees and butterflies and resisting deer and rabbits. Aromatic flower spikes are excellent for cutting, drying, and use in perfumes, sachets, and medicinal applications.
Lavender is well-suited to borders, cutting gardens, and mass plantings

From $17.99

Product Details
  • USDA Hardiness Zone

    USDA Hardiness Zones 5-9
  • Soil type

    Well-draining soil
  • Sunlight Exposure

    Full sun
  • Expected Planting Period

    Spring or fall

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